Wow, in a little less than a month my only child, my baby girl will be 18. She has grown up to be a fine young lady, compassionate, kind and intelligent. The biggest thing we are grateful for is her Faith. Last night my only sibling, her uncle who believes in God but has not been saved was here and he was asking us questions about scriptures on relationship issues he is having. It was nice to be able to hear her quote them, along with the location. She was also able to discuss the different Bible apps she had tried for her phone.
She went to a Christian school until fifth grade and attended church, church camps & then Campus Life through high school so I felt she has had a strong foundation but since we have been searching for a new church and she has started attending local college I didn't think she was keeping as close a relationship with God as she had been. It appears, however, prayers are being answered and she is still as willing as ever to discuss her faith and her relationship with God.
Now I guess I need to focus more on making sure I keep up my faith in her and God.